Make a conscious effort not to just hear what people are saying but to take it in, digest it and understand. Listenig enhances your ability to understand better and make you a better communicator. This gives an opportunity to understand how others are choosing words while talking.
Film and documentary watching has a cathartic effect, allowing viewers to experience strong emotions through this activity. This can be very beneficial for those who have trouble expressing emotions, as films may easily prompt them to laugh, cry, or experience an emotion. This teaches how to choose words to express our emotions at various situations.
Read-aloud is an instructional practice where teachers, parents, and caregivers read texts aloud to children. Reading louder incorporates variations in pitch, tone, pace, volume, pauses, eye contact, questions, and comments to produce a fluent and enjoyable delivery while speaking.
Speaking skills are one of the most important skills we learn, as they allow us to communicate with others and express our thoughts and feelings. Speaking skills can be separated into formal and informal speaking skills, and we train both the skills for students, parents, graduates and professionals.